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Plot the average read coverages for each length bin or a perticular isoform


  quantiles = c(0, 0.2375, 0.475, 0.7125, 0.95, 1),
  length_bins = c(0, 1, 2, 5, 10, Inf),
  weight_fn = weight_transcripts,
  detailed = FALSE



path to the BAM file (aligning reads to the transcriptome), or the (GenomicAlignments::readGAlignments) parsed GAlignments object, or the tibble returned by get_coverage, or the filtered tibble returned by filter_coverage.


numeric vector to specify the quantiles to bin the transcripts lengths by if length_bins is missing. The length bins will be determined such that the read counts are distributed acording to the quantiles.


numeric vector to specify the sizes to bin the transcripts by


function to calculate the weights for the transcripts. The function should take a numeric vector of read counts and return a numeric vector of weights. The default function is weight_transcripts, you can change its default parameters by passing an anonymous function like function(x) weight_transcripts(x, type = 'equal').


Optional filter function to filter the transcripts before plotting. See the filter_fn parameter in filter_coverage for more details. Providing a filter fucntion here is the same as providing it in filter_coverage and then passing the result to this function.


logical, if TRUE, also plot the top 10 transcripts with the highest read counts for each length bin.


a ggplot2 object of the coverage plot(s)


# Create a BAM file with minimap2_realign
temp_path <- tempfile()
bfc <- BiocFileCache::BiocFileCache(temp_path, ask = FALSE)
file_url <- ''
fastq1 <- bfc[[names(BiocFileCache::bfcadd(bfc, 'Fastq1', paste(file_url, 'fastq/sample1.fastq.gz', sep = '/')))]]
genome_fa <- bfc[[names(BiocFileCache::bfcadd(bfc, 'genome.fa', paste(file_url, 'SIRV_isoforms_multi-fasta_170612a.fasta', sep = '/')))]]
annotation <- bfc[[names(BiocFileCache::bfcadd(bfc, 'annot.gtf', paste(file_url, 'SIRV_isoforms_multi-fasta-annotation_C_170612a.gtf', sep = '/')))]]
outdir <- tempfile()
fasta <- annotation_to_fasta(annotation, genome_fa, outdir)
#> Import genomic features from the file as a GRanges object ... 
#> OK
#> Prepare the 'metadata' data frame ... 
#> OK
#> Make the TxDb object ... 
#> Warning: The "phase" metadata column contains non-NA values for features of type exon.
#>   This information was ignored.
#> Warning: genome version information is not available for this TxDb object
#> OK
  config = jsonlite::fromJSON(
    system.file("extdata", "config_sclr_nanopore_3end.json", package = "FLAMES")),
  fq_in = fastq1,
  outdir = outdir
#> 05:00:11 AM Fri Feb 14 2025 minimap2_realign
#> Sorting by position
#>                                                         total mapped primary
#> /tmp/Rtmpx6clDQ/file29ea3935fb54/realign2transcript.bam  4554   3764    2500
#>                                                         secondary
#> /tmp/Rtmpx6clDQ/file29ea3935fb54/realign2transcript.bam      2051
# Plot the coverages directly from the BAM file
plot_coverage(file.path(outdir, 'realign2transcript.bam'))
#> Using quantiles to bin transcripts.
#> The number of transcripts is less than the inflection index, returning equal weights for the current bin.
#> The number of transcripts is less than the inflection index, returning equal weights for the current bin.
#> The number of transcripts is less than the inflection index, returning equal weights for the current bin.
#> The number of transcripts is less than the inflection index, returning equal weights for the current bin.
#> The number of transcripts is less than the inflection index, returning equal weights for the current bin.

# Get the coverage information first
coverage <- get_coverage(file.path(outdir, 'realign2transcript.bam')) |>
  dplyr::filter(read_counts > 2) |> # Filter out transcripts with read counts < 3
  filter_coverage(filter_fn = convolution_filter) # Filter out transcripts with sharp drops / rises
#> 26 transcripts found in the BAM file.
#> 3(11.54%) transcripts failed the filter.
#> Failed transcripts account for 140 reads, out of 1095(12.79%) reads in total.
# Plot the filtered coverages
plot_coverage(coverage, detailed = TRUE)
#> Using quantiles to bin transcripts.
#> The number of transcripts is less than the inflection index, returning equal weights for the current bin.
#> The number of transcripts is less than the inflection index, returning equal weights for the current bin.
#> The number of transcripts is less than the inflection index, returning equal weights for the current bin.
#> The number of transcripts is less than the inflection index, returning equal weights for the current bin.
#> The number of transcripts is less than the inflection index, returning equal weights for the current bin.

# filtering function can also be passed directly to plot_coverage
plot_coverage(file.path(outdir, 'realign2transcript.bam'), filter_fn = convolution_filter)
#> 26 transcripts found in the BAM file.
#> 3(11.54%) transcripts failed the filter.
#> Failed transcripts account for 140 reads, out of 1095(12.79%) reads in total.
#> Using quantiles to bin transcripts.
#> The number of transcripts is less than the inflection index, returning equal weights for the current bin.
#> The number of transcripts is less than the inflection index, returning equal weights for the current bin.
#> The number of transcripts is less than the inflection index, returning equal weights for the current bin.
#> The number of transcripts is less than the inflection index, returning equal weights for the current bin.
#> The number of transcripts is less than the inflection index, returning equal weights for the current bin.