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Chi-square based differential transcription usage analysis. This variant is meant for single cell data. Takes the SingleCellExperiment object from sc_long_pipeline as input. Alternatively, the path to the output folder could be provided instead of the SCE object. A cluster annotation file cluster_annotation.csv is required, please provide this file under the output folder of sc_long_pipeline.


sc_DTU_analysis(sce, min_count = 15)



The SingleCellExperiment object from sc_long_pipeline, an additional cluster_annotation.csv file is required under the output folder of the SCE object.


The minimum UMI count threshold for filtering isoforms.


a data.frame containing the following columns:


- differentially transcribed genes


- the X value for the DTU gene


- degrees of freedom of the approximate chi-squared distribution of the test statistic


- the transcript_id with the highest squared residuals


- the cell group with the highest squared residuals


- the p-value for the test


- the adjusted p-value (by Benjamini–Hochberg correction)

The table is sorted by decreasing P-values. It will also be saved as sc_DTU_analysis.csv under the output folder.


This function will search for genes that have at least two isoforms, each with more than min_count UMI counts. For each gene, the per cell transcript counts were merged by group to generate pseudo bulk samples. Grouping is specified by the cluster_annotation.csv file. The top 2 highly expressed transcripts for each group were selected and a UMI count matrix where the rows are selected transcripts and columns are groups was used as input to a chi-square test of independence (chisq.test). Adjusted P-values were calculated by Benjamini–Hochberg correction.


outdir <- tempfile()
bc_allow <- file.path(outdir, "bc_allow.tsv")
genome_fa <- file.path(outdir, "rps24.fa")
R.utils::gunzip(filename = system.file("extdata/bc_allow.tsv.gz", package = "FLAMES"), destname = bc_allow, remove = FALSE)
R.utils::gunzip(filename = system.file("extdata/rps24.fa.gz", package = "FLAMES"), destname = genome_fa, remove = FALSE)

if (!any("minimap2", "k8"))))) {
  sce <- FLAMES::sc_long_pipeline(
    genome_fa = genome_fa,
    fastq = system.file("extdata/fastq", package = "FLAMES"),
    annotation = system.file("extdata/rps24.gtf.gz", package = "FLAMES"),
    outdir = outdir,
    barcodes_file = bc_allow
  group_anno <- data.frame(barcode_seq = colnames(sce), groups = SingleCellExperiment::counts(sce)["ENSMUST00000169826.2", ] > 1)
  write.csv(group_anno, file.path(outdir, "cluster_annotation.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
  sc_DTU_analysis(sce, min_count = 1)